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Roast Chicken Bone Broth 750ml

Roast Chicken Bone Broth 750ml

Dr Broth Gourmet Bone broth is a perfect way to get more collagen, protein and micronutrients into your and your pets diet.

Dr. Broth combines organic, hormone-free animal bones with fresh local produce to create a delicious and nutritious health elixir.

With anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, you can expect Dr. Broth to boost your immune system, aid weight loss, and reduce overall inflammation. And your dogs can have some too!!



  • Hormone-free free-range chicken bones
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Fennel
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Carrots
  • Black Pepper
  • Coriander
  • Oryx salt
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Daily Serving Size (for dogs)

    Dog Size Dog Weight (kg)

    ML Per Serving

    X-Small Under 4.5kg 30ml
    Small 4.5kg - 11kg 60ml
    Medium 12kg - 22kg 120ml
    Large 23kg - 34kg 175ml
    X-Large 35kg - 40kg 230ml
    XX-Large 41kg and Over 290ml


  • Directions for Humans

    For You:

    Dr Broth Gourmet Bone broth is a versatile ingredient which can be used in a variety of ways. Use it as a stock in your cooking to make delicious and nutritious curries, stews, smoothies and soups or drink it “neat”, warmed up like a cup of tea. Our recommendation is 250ml Daily to boost nutrition and aid digestion.


    For Your Doggo:

    ** Follow the serving size suggestion in the above tab.

    Directions: Pour appropriate serving size (defrosted) over your doggs meals. You can also freeze it into ice cubes and give your dog one to go enjoy on a hot day. 


    Guidelines: The feeding guidelines are recommendations and may vary from case to case. If you are unsure, please contact your nutirtionist to advise you accordingly.

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